Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 2

I am determined to make this holiday vacation a fun and memorable one for my kids. Why? Not sure. I just am. I want them to remember that we stayed home, hung out, played all day, had fun. As an adult I have memories of certain times in my life, and it isn't always the big events, many times it's the little things that bring a feeling of nostalgia. So, today, when we awoke to more snow on the ground, I shot a little "Thank you" prayer up to the heavens. You see, this is "Day 2." Day 2 of what? Playing outside in the snow, of course!

I got them all bundled up for the second time, and out they went. To use their imaginations (and energy) to decorate the front yard. Yesterday they played outside for over an hour. It was a wonderful time of bonding for my two little ones. This is something that I crave for them, since they are a brother and sister, rather than two brothers or two sisters. I want them to enjoy each other's company, to be friends, to work together, rely on one another, and all that special 'sibling' stuff. And, most of the time, that's what happens. Until they are both exhausted, hungry and cold. Then they fight over what kind of arms the snowman should have! So, we ended the day yesterday with an armless snowman and the promise of tomorrow. And now it has come.

I couldn't resist this photo. I had bundled the children up and sent them outside, and when I came back to check on them, this is what I found.

Do you think he feels left out?

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